7 Hours in San Francisco

San Francisco, a city that houses more restaurants per capita than any other city in America in just that 7x7 mile grid. Mexican in the mission, seafood on the embarcadero, Chinese in Chinatown, you can essentially travel the world of food through the small Bay Area city. So what happens when you only have 7 short hours in the Golden State city? Ya get to eatin', and if you're smart, you'll start in the Mission.

Out in Oakland to see the fam, sister and brother-in-law in tow, we head across the Bay Bridge to the city begin our own personal food tour which consisted of: Pastries and savory snacks at Craftsman & Wolves, cheese at Mission Cheese, Thai bites at Hawker Fare, about the entire menu at The Progress, a quick stop at Benjamin Coopers, some snacks at LihoLiho Yacht Club, and no California foodie adventure would be complete without some In-N-Out burger to really round out the meal, respectively.

Out of all the insanely, out-of-control cuisine we indulged ourselves in, there were certainly dishes that will probably go down in (my) history of some of the best bites I've ever eaten. Amongst those bites included the salad of wild king salmon with basil marinated zucchini; the lamb merguez with octopus and crispy squid;  and the morels with hollandaise and spring onions all from The Progress. A playful take on surf and turf, LihoLiho Yacht Club's fried oyster topped with beef carpaccio served atop a piece of butter lettuce was truly unlike anything I've had before, and by far one of the best bites.


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