Louisiana Snapping Turtle, Banana Peppers, Crab Ravigote Sauce |
Braised Australian Camel, Camel Sausage, Reduced Braising Liquid, Rice Grits, Charred Cabbage Salad |
Thanks to
Frontier, I can proudly tell people I've eaten a lets just say "diverse" variety of meat dishes including Alligator Ribs, Buffalo Heart Sliders, and Rabbit and Waffles. With Frontier's recently debuted summer
menu, I can add a Camel Crepinette and Turtle Fritters to that list. The turtle fritters were delicious, but then again, what meat that is deep fried and served with a crab ravigote isn't good? The Camel was a very gamey meat, that was heavy and sits in the stomach for longer than one would want. The spice and flavor was surprisingly delicious while the texture was thick and a bit dry. The rice grits and charred cabbage salad paired nicely with the meat providing and smooth texture and crunchy element.
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